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Since 2021, we've completed 3 projects, benefiting nearly 500 families in Muar, Johor—Bright Minds 1.0, DK Help, and Bright Minds 2.0. This year, 2 projects aim to aid 220 students in Muar

RM 33.00

daripada sasaran RM 45,946.00
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This year, we plan to organize two more projects: Youthzania '24 and Bright Minds 3.0. For Youthzania, it is a career-sharing project for 200 Year 6 students from two rural schools in Muar, Johor in August 2024. This program is also inspired by the concept of Kidzania. The main objective of this project is to give exposure and inspire these students. There will be 3 sessions. Firstly, Nextstep Navigator where we will be sharing all the pathways for secondary school in which Malaysian education has to offer. Secondly, Career sharing session. We will bring 20 careers from STEM and TVET to inspire and give exposure to the students. Thirdly, Career Adventure Quest. It is an explored theme where the students will get real-life experience for the 20 careers prior. 

Next is Bright Minds 3.0. It is the third sequel of Bright Minds. This project will be held in December 2024. It involves providing free online tutoring classes to 120 Year 1 to Year 3 underprivileged students in need of assistance from 4 schools in Muar, Johor. Looking at how successful the previous Bright Minds was, the school teachers are demanding more! For this project, we are going to recruit 80 tutors to help us teach these fortunate kids addressing crucial areas which are writing, reading, and calculating also well known as 3M (Membaca, Mengira, Menulis).

Both projects have the same aim as Didik Kita's mission which is Educate by All Means. We wanted to bring education closer and accessible to the students.



Here are some videos from Bright Minds 2.0

Week 1 of Bright Minds 2.0

Distribution of School Packs Bright Minds 2.0

For three years since Didik Kita was established, we have worked with a number of NGOs, individuals, schools, influencers, and others. Personally, it has inspired me to learn and do better for the communities. The satisfaction everyone in the team feels when at the end of the project, the students can already read a few sentences and do simple Mathematics, is what makes us keep going every year despite the hardships we have to go through.

I have to give the biggest credit and thank you to the Executive members who are also my closest friends who trust in me and are willing to go through the ups and downs together. Next, I would like to express my gratitude to my team. Every year, Didik Kita has been blessed with amazing volunteers with amazing souls who have helped every step of the way making sure the projects are successful. Finally, I wanted to thank our collaborators who put their faith in us and helped us help these fortunate kids.

With a humbled heart, I hope we will have this opportunity to be granted an amount of money to make sure the projects can be run successfully.

Feel free to contact us at

E-mail: [email protected]


Untuk Makluman Semua

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