Perlukan bantuan dana segera?  Hubungi kami untuk bantuan kempen.


This donation can support and ensure the success of the programs for orphans and asnaf.

RM 450.00

daripada sasaran RM 6,000.00
7.5% Complete


Mengapa sumbang melalui iSADAQAH dan tidak terus kepada penerima? Baca selebihnya di sini

Caring Club IIUM is a mentoring based club that focuses on the social welfare of orphans and Asnaf with three orphanages under our care and one Asnaf organization in Selangor. Annually, Caring Club holds 'Sayang Mega Project' that aims to fundraise and give more exposure about the children to the public. Sayang Mega Project contains three sub-programs:

Sayang Night: Theatre (25-26 October 2023)

A special night of fun and enchantment with a memorable opening ceremony with the orphans and the public. Followed by a thrilling short theatre act that will create lasting memories.

World Children's Day: Arts Day (5 November 2023)

Get a head start on the celebration of Children's Day with an early and enchanting event. In collaboration with creative departments or clubs in IIUM, we will engage with the orphans in doing arts together.

Treasure Hunt (25 November 2023)

A meaningful outing for the orphans to a beautiful green place where they can enjoy nature and learn to appreciate it. The orphans will embark on an exciting treasure hunt, solving clues and searching for hidden treasures, simultaneously helping to clean the place.

The donated amount will also be used for Caring Club's future programs.


If you have any inquiries, do contact us:

Sr Alissya: 01111971790

Untuk Makluman Semua

100% sumbangan yang diterima akan digunakan untuk pelaksanaan projek ini sepenuhnya. Sebagai langkah kesahihan pelaksanaan projek ini, pihak iSADAQAH juga akan sentiasa mengemaskini anda dengan keseluruhan kutipan yang diterima, resit sumbangan, gambar aktiviti kempen serta koordinat GPS komuniti yang menerima bantuan sebagai bukti ketelusan pihak iSADAQAH dalam menjayakan projek ini.

Bantu Kempen Ini

Setiap sumbangan yang diberi kepada kempen ini amat dihargai.

Kongsi Kempen

Bantu biayai kempen ini dengan berkongsi. Satu perkongsian kempen boleh membawa sumbangan RM10 daripada seorang penderma!

Kempen telah berakhir

15 Oct 2023

Sumbangan ke-10

19 Aug 2023

Sumbangan pertama

17 Aug 2023

Kempen dilancarkan

16 Aug 2023