RM 21.00
daripada sasaran RM 2,400.002
penyumbangThe campaign aims to have a holistic approach to waste management by cultivating recycling practices into lifestyles for charity causes that help combat climate change.
In brief, the objectives of the campaign are:
- Establish sustainable recycling systems in local universities to encourage recycling cultures among the student body.
- Collect recyclables from the established systems and sell them to Alam Flora, where the funds will be donated to the Malaysian Nature Society.
- Raise funds for MRA Siswa (for the mangrove planting activities to help conserve
mangrove ecosystems).
- Cultivate recycling into lifestyles.
- Promote altruism among the public, especially the youth.
The campaign's social impact is hoped to benefit society and the environment. The public and youth can now donate their recyclables to a cause that they are championing. This also encourages people to practice kind acts towards the community and environment. We will approach Malaysian University student unions/councils/ environmental clubs to champion this goal further.
The funds raised will be utilised by MRA Siswa for the mangrove ecosystems conservation program
Untuk Makluman Semua
100% sumbangan yang diterima akan digunakan untuk pelaksanaan projek ini sepenuhnya. Sebagai langkah kesahihan pelaksanaan projek ini, pihak iSADAQAH juga akan sentiasa mengemaskini anda dengan keseluruhan kutipan yang diterima, resit sumbangan, gambar aktiviti kempen serta koordinat GPS komuniti yang menerima bantuan sebagai bukti ketelusan pihak iSADAQAH dalam menjayakan projek ini.
Kempen telah berakhir
17 Dec 2024
Sumbangan pertama
18 Nov 2024
Kempen dilancarkan
17 Nov 2024