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This program is an educational journey by Kuliyyah of Education IIUM that focusing on learning Arabic languages and Islamic Education at Universitas Ar- Ranniry and Pesantren Al- Manar in Indonesia.

RM 916.00

daripada sasaran RM 20,000.00
4.58% Complete


Mengapa sumbang melalui iSADAQAH dan tidak terus kepada penerima? Baca selebihnya di sini

This program is organised by Council of Islamic Education (CIES 2021/2022) in collaboration with Council of Young Arabic Teachers (CYAT) on: 

Date: 20- 23th February 2023 

Day: Monday - Thursday 

Location: Universitas UIN Ar- Ranniry and Pesantren Moderen Al- Manar

All participants will be touring the campus compound particularly the area of Kuliyyah of education to learn more about their university. The visit will focusing on how Arabic and Islamic education developed there. There will be sharing session and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between IIUM representatives and Universitas UIN Ar- Ranniry. 

Among the programme that will be organised are: 

  • Collaboration between Kuliyyah of Education, IIUM with Universitas UIN Ar- Ranniry and Pesantren Al- Manar
  • Introductory briefing about the syllabus and methodology in Universitas to improve the teaching and learning of Arabic and Islamic Education among KOEDians students. 
  • Education and ukhwah- based programme with students and educators of Indonesia. 
  • Educational tours to observe the history of tsunami and Islamic cultures in Aceh.

The aims of this donation: 

  • Expenditure of programs, i.e: t-shirts, transportation and accomodations during programs
  • Publicity to promote the programs through banner, pamphlets and printing 
Why did we choose Aceh for our Educational Journey? 

1) Banda Aceh has high Islamic values ​​and known as "Kota Serambi Mekah". We aims to explore the historical tsunami places in Aceh to have deep understanding and make us get closer to Allah SWT.  

2) We also want to promote diversity of culture, knowledge transfer and educational practice between 2 universities from different countries as we will conduct educational visits to Universitas UIN Ar- Ranniry and Pesantren Moderen Al- Manar because it's related to our course of study and benchmarking to improve teaching and learning Arabic/ Islamic of TAASL and ISED students.


Untuk Makluman Semua

100% sumbangan yang diterima akan digunakan untuk pelaksanaan projek ini sepenuhnya. Sebagai langkah kesahihan pelaksanaan projek ini, pihak iSADAQAH juga akan sentiasa mengemaskini anda dengan keseluruhan kutipan yang diterima, resit sumbangan, gambar aktiviti kempen serta koordinat GPS komuniti yang menerima bantuan sebagai bukti ketelusan pihak iSADAQAH dalam menjayakan projek ini.

Bantu Kempen Ini

Setiap sumbangan yang diberi kepada kempen ini amat dihargai.

Kongsi Kempen

Bantu biayai kempen ini dengan berkongsi. Satu perkongsian kempen boleh membawa sumbangan RM10 daripada seorang penderma!

Kempen telah berakhir

04 Feb 2023

Sumbangan ke-50

20 Jan 2023

Sumbangan ke-10

07 Jan 2023

Sumbangan pertama

05 Jan 2023

Kempen dilancarkan

05 Jan 2023