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My name is ANAS KAMAL , and I am reaching out to seek your generous support to continue my Master's studies in Malaysia. As someone from Gaza, I have faced numerous challenges due to ongoing conflict

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Hello everyone,

My name is Anas Kamal

Bachelor’s degree at the International Islamic University Malaysia, 4th year.
Kulliyyah of Economic and Management Sciences.


I am from Gaza. I am reaching out with a humble request for your support to continue my Master’s studies in Malaysia. Growing up in Gaza, I have always been passionate about education and its power to transform lives. Despite the numerous obstacles, I have remained determined to pursue higher education. I will apply  into a prestigious Master's program in Malaysia, which is a dream come true for me. However, due to the ongoing conflict and challenging conditions in Gaza, I am facing significant financial difficulties that hinder my ability to fund my education. The war and its aftermath have severely impacted my family's financial situation, making it extremely difficult for my parents to provide any financial support. With limited resources and opportunities available in Gaza, I am struggling to cover the tuition fees, living expenses, and other essential costs associated with my studies in bacholar degreein final  year. Despite these challenges, I am committed to achieving my academic goals and making a positive impact on my community.

I am seeking to raise or find any sponsership to cover tuition fees for the Master's program, accommodation and living expenses in Malaysia, books, study materials, health insurance. Your generous contributions will make a significant impact on my journey. By supporting my education, you are not only helping me achieve my dreams but also empowering me to give back to my community in Gaza. With the knowledge and skills gained from my Master's program, I aim to contribute to the development and betterment of my homeland. I am deeply grateful for any support you can provide. Every donation, no matter how small, brings me closer to my goal. Thank you for taking the time to read my story and consider my campaign. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Here are some of my achievements during my Bachelor's degree. I am continuously striving to be more effective in every place I have been.



Untuk Makluman Semua

100% sumbangan yang diterima akan digunakan untuk pelaksanaan projek ini sepenuhnya. Sebagai langkah kesahihan pelaksanaan projek ini, pihak iSADAQAH juga akan sentiasa mengemaskini anda dengan keseluruhan kutipan yang diterima, resit sumbangan, gambar aktiviti kempen serta koordinat GPS komuniti yang menerima bantuan sebagai bukti ketelusan pihak iSADAQAH dalam menjayakan projek ini.

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Kongsi Kempen

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Kempen dilancarkan

26 Jul 2024